James Gomes Leite
Dean of SETECEB and Resident Professor
Doctoral candidate in Ministry at the Andrew Jumper Graduate Center at Mackenzie and at Reformed Theological Seminary. Graduated in Theology from SETECEB, he has a degree in Education with a specialty in Music from the University of Brasília.
Pastored at the Evangelical Christian Church of Brasília and at the Evangelical Christian Church Águas Claras.
He is currently dean and professor at SETECEB in the areas of Biblical Theology and Apologetics, Pastoral Ministry and Music.
Editor of Pure and Simple Theology:
He is married to Isabella and father to Daniel and Pedro.
Klaus Assalim G. de Oliveira
Vice-Rector of SETECEB and Resident Professor
Postgraduate and Graduated in Theology at the Evangelical Christian Theological Seminary of Brazil. Graduated in Business Administration from Unicid-SP.
He was pastor of the Evangelical Christian Church in Praia Grande-SP. He is currently national leader of the World Needs a Father Movement.
He is Vice-Rector of SETECEB and Resident Professor of Homiletics, Biblical Theology of the Family and Sects and Heresies.
He is married to Daniela and father to Rafaela and Bernardo.
Frank Neuwirth
Academic Dean and Resident Professor
Doctor of Ministry from the Andrew Jumper Graduate Center at Mackenzie and from Reformed Theological Seminary. Master in Christian Ministries from the Word of Life Biblical Seminary. Graduated in Theology from CETEVAP and FTSA. He is currently completing a degree in Systems Analysis and Development, started at FAAT-Atibaia, by Faculdade Anhanguera (EaD).
He was assistant pastor at ICE São José dos Campos, SP and senior pastor at ICE Atibaia, SP. He currently supports the planting of a church in the Jundiaí neighborhood in Anápolis.
He is a resident professor at SETECEB in the areas of New Testament, Greek, Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology and Apologetics. He coordinates the Postgraduate and Masters Program and also the IT area of the seminar. He is a writer and speaker at Editora Cristã Evangélica.
Married to Ilma and father of Isabella and Luiz Filipe.
Guilherme Zimbrão Paim
CTM Coordinator and Resident Professor
Graduated in Theology from the Evangelical Christian Theological Seminary of Brazil (SETECEB) and from the Faculty of Evangelical Theology of Curitiba (FATEV), Master's student in Biblical Theology at SETECEB.
He was pastor of the Evangelical Christian Church in Unaí-MG.
He is a Resident Professor in the field of Old Testament, and is the Coordinator of the Theological Course by Modules (CTM).
He is married to Tainan and father to Alice, Sara and Ester.
Carlos Valderrama
Resident Professor
He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Theology from the Word of Life Biblical Seminary (Atibaia-SP) and from the Methodist University, Biblical counselor graduated from NUTRA (Bible Counseling and Training Center) and is currently taking a Master's Degree in Biblical Theology from SETECEB.
Married to Janice and parents of Miguel and Ana Laura.
Jesse Ferreira Bishop
SETECEB Chaplain and Resident Professor
Graduated in Theology from the Biblical Seminary of São Paulo (1981/85).
He was founding pastor of ICE Interlagos – SP (1985/2001) and director of the Ministerial Department of ICEB (2000/2018).
He is currently a resident professor at SETECEB in the areas of personal life, Christian ethics and pastoral ministry. In addition, he acts as chaplain to the students.
Married to Gigi and Nathan's father.
Philip Rout
Professor Residente
M.Div em Estudos Bíblicos e Pastorais pelo Seminário Teológico Servo de Cristo (São Paulo – SP). B.Sc em Fisiologia pela University of Manchester (Reino Unido). Também fez pós-graduação no Cornhill Training Course (Londres, Reino Unido).
Britânico, missionário no Brasil desde 2008 com a missão Latin Link (anteriormente conhecida como União Evangélica Sul Americana). Anteriormente serviu como obreiro da Aliança Bíblica Universitária do Brasil e como pastor auxiliar da Igreja Cristã Paulistana.
Casado com Carolina e pai de Benjamin, Samuel e Joanna.
Anselmo Melo
Coordenador do curso O Discípulo
Mestrando em Estudos Interculturais no Seminário o Servo de Cristo. Conselheiro Bíblico formado pelo NUTRA na Igreja Pedras Vivas em Santo André/SP. Bacharel em Educação Física pela UNIMES. Tecnólogo em Gestão de Terminais Portuários pela UNISANTOS.
Missionário da ICEPG desde 2013.
Atualmente é o Coordenador do Curso O Discípulo no SETECEB e residente.
Casado com a Adriana Melo e pai da Amanda Lara (esposa do Lucas Lara).